lets talk about some exhibition . My Bel's lecturer ; Miss zu had give us a task . we need to perform that task at that day and our attendance will be taken after we finished that task . we need to went to some kind of exhibition and it was like club society exhibition . well , it be held at speaker's corner . i have been in there at 8 a.m but the exhibition start about 9 a.m . LOL ~,~
That exhibition will be from 12-14 December . I've went to BAHASA MANDARIN SOCIETY booth and they got a lot of antics and traditional thing in there such as tea set , old-fashioned cheongsam . they also got the brush for calligraphy and chopstick in there while i was like getting amused when see all those thing .
after that , i went to ARABIC LANGUAGE SOCIETY and WHOAAAA :O they also got the weird thing (for me) HAHA . i attracted with an EGYPT LANTERN . it was AWESOMEEE because in was in purple . well , purple is my favorite color EHEEE . they also got the TURKIS EYE PENDANT . that thing was like an amulet . they also exhibit shissha . Ohh i also had read about their culture in there which is different from ours .
lastly , i went to the ENGLISH SOCIETY BOOTH . well , not much of weird thing in there . they just put some story book such as fairytale and explain to us about the book . but what interesting in this booth , they got some activity that other society doesn't have such as face painting , draw a body tattoo (not the permanent one) and snap a picture with snow white .
after finished visiting all those booth , and taking some picture , we (me and my classmate) went to SL to meet Miss zu to prove to her that we've finished doing that given task and sign our own attendance .

bye ;)
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